Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Way of All Wisdom


Two quotes for today from the book I just finished reading:

"[Letty] read her New Testament; and if she understood it only in a childish fashion, she obeyed it in a child-like one, whence the way of all wisdom lay open before her."

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"Mary made no reply. She did not care to have the last word; nor did she fancy her cause lost when she had not at hand the answer that befitted folly."

"Mary Marston"
by George MacDonald

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  1. Hi Hannah,

    I have just finished listening to There and Back and I just want to thank you for your contribution to the reading of that incredible book! God has given you a beautiful voice and I smile every time I hear a chapter was read by you. I can’t help feeling close to anyone who loves MacDonald like I do. You remind me of my older sister who’s a seamstress and piano player and also loves audiobooks, including MacDonald. You would be great friends I think. Anyways, I just wanted to appreciate you and encourage you to keep fighting the fight of faith, God is loving you always.
    I collected a few of my favorite quotes too! I only wish I had started sooner.

    “Where there is love there is intellect. At what period it may sow itself, it matters little.”
    “She saw only the kindness in the compliment” (this is actually from David Elginbrod but it’s stuck with me)
    “That which cannot be freely shared can never be possessed”
    “He was not a bad fellow as fellows go. He was just a man who had not begun to stop being a devil”
    C.S. Lewis talks in Mere Christianity about when one loves a thing it is one’s natural joy to share it with others. I try to recommend MacDonald to all my friends but it’s not a common person who will read a whole book for a simple recommendation. I pray you have a great day!

    David Shepherd

    If you haven’t, you must read The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde (also The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement, David Shepherd! It has been a joy to discover other George MacDonald fans through working on these projects (it does sound like your sister and I have several things in common!), and I am always blessed to know my reading has touched others. Every time I hear that, I am reminded how God preserved my voice through thyroid surgery… a gift!

      Yes, MacDonald has so many quotes worth collecting. He has far more (and lengthier) entries in my quote book than any other author. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites! Also, thanks for the book recommendations. I will look into them.

      If you haven’t yet found it, we recently finished another MacDonald on LV: “The Elect Lady.” And I have a team of readers working on “Paul Faber, Surgeon,” which falls between “Thomas Wingfold, Curate” and “There and Back” with a few characters overlapping.

      (P.S. - Don't worry about the "removed comment" from you on this post. It was just a partial duplicate of your full message.)

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