Monday, June 19, 2017

Food at the Proper Time

One morning Mom called in from the front steps that she had found a tiny hummingbird unable to fly.

Not that this hummingbird was smaller than normal, this is just the minute size of this marvelous piece of creation! Though sad the hummer wasn't feeling well, I was glad for the chance to see one so closely and snap a few pictures of it. Such glowing emerald on each of the tiny head and back feathers!

After the photo-op, I brought it over to the feeder where they usually take turns with the orioles, but I couldn't get it to take more than one little lick. After five minutes I gave up and brought the bird to show Dad and his hired hand who were cutting rebar for raised gardens.

Dad suggested I try a little more feeding, and sure enough... it took another sip. Then I could feel its heart beat faster. (The heart rate of a hummingbird is over 1,000 beats per minute!) Or maybe I was feeling it return to the average of 250 breaths per minute as it revived?

Regardless, with a couple more licks - less than three drops of nectar in total - this hearty little bird sat up straight for the first time, started looking around, and soon whizzed up into the air and flew many yards off to rest high in a pine tree! We hoped it would fly back to the food source before running too short on energy again.

The following day I was amazed to learn more about this unique creature while watching the amazing documentary "Flight" loaned us by a friend. I highly recommend it! (Watch a trailer here.)

"How many are Your works, O LORD!
In wisdom You made them all;
The earth is full of Your creatures...

These all look to You to give them their food at the proper time.
When You give it to them, they gather it up;
when You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good things."

Psalm 104:24, 27-28

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