Friday, September 25, 2015

Something "Other"

How many of us have a longing to be somewhere else? To see something else? Maybe something grand!

If we could just go to the mountains!...

Glacier National Park, 2011

Glacier National Park 2011

If we could just see the ocean... or even the headwaters of the Mighty Mississippi!!

Lake Itasca, May 2008

Headwaters of Mississippi, May 2008

Yes, it is amazing to see grand places in God's creation! It is thrilling to feel dwarfed by towering cliffs, to hear the roar of waves or waterfalls, to imagine the 90-day route of a drop of water leaving a peaceful lake to flow to the ocean.

Maybe these examples don't pique your interest like they do for a prairie-girl.  Maybe you live with mountains or an ocean and don't even notice them - or just wish you could see wide open prairie field once in a while.  Maybe you aren't able to even get outside... anywhere.

Here = Prairie Fields and Skies

But as we yearn for something "other," how much do we miss right "here"?

Here = Gardens, Sunshine and Storm Clouds

Here = "Mountains" and "Cascades" of Clouds

Here = Autumn Colors

Here = Frosty Mornings

Where are you right now? 
What has God placed "there" for you to see and enjoy?

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