Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Gift of "Coffee"

I wonder how often a taste for coffee skips a generation as it did in both of my parent's families. All four of my grandparents enjoyed coffee, though they were just as happy with tea when at our house. Mom and Dad never drank coffee - except one time when they were visiting the home of refugees from Bosnia. That brew was so strong, "The spoon stood up in it!"

 Despite the lack of exposure, Elsa and I somehow ended up learning to enjoy coffee in our twenties. If a good quality flavor, we drank it black. (Sorry... not church coffee!) We also enjoyed various styles of coffee beverages: with milk, mochas, lattes, iced-blended, and the amazing Vietnamese iced coffee that my foster-brother taught us to make. (That last version is so amazing and potent that Grandma thought she had been healed from her intense chronic pain for a while after her first taste!)

As our adrenals suffered under years of chronic illness, Elsa and I could no longer drink our occasional coffee. And dairy is out of the question now. So, we drink a lot of tea. It is amazing the variety to be enjoyed among herbal teas. There is something special about growing, picking, and drying your own teas.

And yet, there is still nothing quite so rich and smooth as a good mug of coffee. I have tasted it a couple times in the past four years, but that is always "Drink At Your Own Risk." 

Maybe now you can imagine our joy at finding a cold coffee drink replacement, minus the coffee, and with only ingredients that (amazingly) fit in our strict diets! Since Elsa's AIP diet excludes cocoa, she enjoyed the Matcha Latte, and I stretched the bliss of my Maca Mocha across a whole afternoon. 

These treats were from a grocery store four hours away from home, so we have only had them that once. But just seeing the photos again makes me feel blessed. Truly! Even those little, unnecessary drinks are a gift from our loving Heavenly Father.

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