Sunday, June 23, 2019

Be Still Again

If one began reading my blog in the past couple of years, they may wonder what it has to do with "being still." Yes, we are growing stronger and filling our days more than when I began to blog, though Elsa aptly summarized our days as still falling into the categories of "sick" and "sicker" when I was having trouble dragging this body through a day last week.

We thankfully came home from another week of travels for 6-month doctor appointments  recently with no new diagnoses (for the second time in a row!) But the strain of that trip combined with many other triggers for our bodies this spring have set us back.

Of course there are the simply "sick" days when we are so much stronger than we used to be that it is a thrill to tackle some house cleaning or gardening. 

I finally got our table-grapes freed from
several years' accumulation of dead canes. 

Then follows a night with four or less hours of sleep due to adrenal fatigue and a "sicker" day when we go into survival mode with knitting and audiobooks. (C. S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia" have been great for re-listening together.)

And when the "sicker" days pile up for a variety of reasons, we once again reach the "sickest" days when there isn't even enough strength to knit and no appetite to eat. Then I am reminded that I have been pushing too hard again and forgetting to "be still" enough. These are the times to take naps both before and after breakfast,

...quietly look at the beauties with which God has surrounded me,

...and review the truths memorised on stronger days.

By the way, we have been greatly blessed in this area by a free, new app designed in part by a friend of ours. See for a great way to memorise and meditate on God's word! This web app even includes an audio Bible for listening to whole chapters at a time.

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