Monday, March 20, 2017

Adventures with MCAD

Though our next appointments aren't until May, Dr. V. had Elsa and me do some research to learn about Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD).  (Wikipedia has a pretty good, simplified description here.) She wanted us to get a head start on dealing with this beyond-allergy affliction since it seems to finally make sense of the symptoms that are keeping us mostly at home (away from crowds - sadly even church) this winter.

After listening to in-depth talks by the doctors who are currently doing the research and developing treatments, we are both encouraged and discouraged. It is encouraging to have more answers as to why we have to live this way. (Someone knows we are not crazy!!) But it can be discouraging to realize that there is yet another huge wall in the way of our return to a "normal" life.

More and more, we see that only God can tear down all these walls and bring the restoration we so desire.

But while we wait for His timing, we adjust our lives yet again, let go of yet another layer of normalcy, and wear masks when we have to be around triggers such as fragrances (most are made from chemicals that set us off), molds and dust, or smoke. But even that cannot help avoid the trigger of stress. Yes, amazingly these rogue cells can be triggered by simple stress.

The makers of these masks claim they are designed to be a fashion statement, but I'm not so sure that is the statement I want to make. :-) It tends to scream "Look at me!"... the last thing I have wanted to do in public. But it has also prompted more people to share of their own struggles with our culture's pervasive fragrances - struggles that are often hidden because people still want to spend time with their family and friends without bringing up an issue that could be taken personally and cause offense.

While Elsa and I find our new look to make some people uncomfortable, my students have been great about it (with an advance warning!)

I have encountered a couple funny situations as well.

Good thing the people at our small-town's bank know me. With a masked, armed robbery still fresh on all our minds, they got a good, long laugh out of letting me in the building!

And while sitting in a large clinic waiting room a couple weeks ago (where my second yearly, post-thyroid-cancer neck-ultrasound showed last year's spot had disappeared! Praise God!!!), a little boy caught sight of me across the room and totally embarrassed his mom by pointing and laughing uncontrollably. It was SO CUTE as I could see it was utterly innocent mirth. I was just the funniest thing he had ever seen! :-D

So, God brings joy amid new pain.

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