Monday, July 1, 2024

Getting Back to Concerts!

One of those opportunities to "get back to life" mentioned in my previous post was attending my first concert in nearly a decade!

Thanks to a trumpet-playing, music-major Dad, I enjoyed growing up with the music of the Canadian Brass. So when one of their former members came to our local concert association, it was not to be missed!

Dad actually attended the concert twice as it came to two area towns. Mom went with the first time, and I got to join him for the second. And due to stories told in concert and some talk Dad had with the performer after the first one, Dad brought his own trumpet along for Jens Lindemann to sign the case. [You had to be there to understand. 😊]

Dad's trumpet is a Yamaha bought through the Canadian Brass and tested by one of their members. The special story behind it was that Dad's college trumpet broke around 20 years ago, and he was ready to give up playing for Easter and Christmas anymore. But his mom wouldn't let him stop and bought this trumpet to keep him playing. 

Now Dad practices an hour most days and is getting better than I have heard him in my lifetime!

At the second concert, Dad also had the surprise of finding someone he had played with in college who had since had a professional trumpet career. Dad had him sign the case too... just for fun!

So my first concert was a treat and a successful chance to exposure-train with several of my long-time triggers.

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