When unpacking boxes and totes of books from our home library which had been stored in the garage for 3 years, I found this little gem.
There is no publication date on this edition of The Greatest Thing in the World. A search shows it may be from 1970, but the texts I find online date back at least as far as 1891. And the Introduction by D. L. Moody tells how this book came out of an impromptu, fireside chat with friends in England in 1884.
Author Henry Drummond, a Scottish scientist, teacher and church leader, was a classmate of Robert Louis Stevenson. His writings were circulated more widely than the popular novels of his day, and this little book still continues in print.
So, what does the author describe as "the greatest thing in the world?" Or as he puts it: "What is the summum bonum - the supreme good? You have life before you. Once only you can live it. What is the noblest object of desire, the supreme gift to covet?"
The answer: Love!
But maybe not just in the way you are thinking this Valentine's Day 2025. This book takes us through 1 Corinthians 13 in detail... which of course is all about Love.
This excerpt in particular sticks out to me:
"Love is not a thing of enthusiastic emotion. It is a rich, strong, manly, vigorous expression of the whole round Christian character - the Christlike nature in its fullest development."
After all... God Is Love! - 1 John 4:9
Drummond continues, "And the constituents of this great character are only to be built up by ceaseless practice. What was Christ doing in the carpenter's shop? Practicing. Though perfect, we read that He learned obedience, and grew in wisdom and in favor with God. Do not quarrel, therefore, with your lot in life. Do not complain of its never-ceasing cares, its petty environment, the vexations you have to stand, the small and sordid souls you have to live and work with. ... That is the practice God appoints you... Do not grudge the hand that is moulding the still too shapeless image within you. It is growing more beautiful, though you see it not. "
Happy Valentine's Day!
~ Hannah
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