"The Alpine shepherds have a beautiful custom of ending the day by singing to one another an evening farewell. The air is so crystalline that the song will carry long distances. As the dusk begins to fall, they gather their flocks and begin to lead them down the mountain paths, singing, 'Hitherto hath the lord helped us. Let us praise His name!'
"And at last with a sweet courtesy, they sing to one another the friendly farewell: 'Goodnight! Goodnight!' The words are taken up by the echoes, and from side to side the song goes reverberating sweetly and softly until the music dies away in the distance.
"... So let us call out to one another through the darkness, till the gloom becomes vocal with many voices, encouraging the pilgrim host. Let the echoes gather till a very storm of Hallelujahs break in thundering waves around the sapphire throne, and then as the morning breaks we shall find ourselves at the margin of the sea of glass, crying, with the redeemed host, 'Blessing and honor and glory be unto Him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever!'"
"This my song through endless ages,
Jesus led me all the way."
"AND AGAIN THEY SAID, HALLELUJAH!" - Revelation 19:3, R.V.
Exerpt from December 31st entry of Streams in the Desert, edited by Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, 1925
First photo may be found here and second here:
Agnes Monkelbaan, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons