Monday, April 6, 2020

A Look Back at February - Part II

After a couple special days of visits with family and friends on the way, we arrived in northeastern Florida for a week of island camping.

This year Elsa and I brought a tent to help expand the living and cooking area in the camper.

It was amazing to sit outside and look around at all the green and life - trees hanging with air plants and moss, palmetto filled with skittering lizards, birds flitting in and out among it all...

Five days on the road resulted in plenty of dirty dishes. While Mom and Dad spent the first day bringing our camper to the nearest "Camper's Inn" for repairs (once we got far enough south to even try, we couldn't turn on the water without a fountain behind the toilet!), Elsa and I tried to stay warm outdoors. Hot dishwater was a temporary help for Elsa, and then we hunkered down layered with wool sweaters, coats, wool and yak-down hats and mittens, wool socks, blankets in our laps, and tea in our thermoses.

Our neighbors with a matching blue Rpod to ours must have kept a concerned eye on us through the day, because in the afternoon they brought over their space heater and extension cord so that we could at least warm up our feet. It was amazing how that one spot of warmth thawed us out all over! Thank you to our lovely Canadian neighbors!

With the camper up to full function, we could finally settle in and enjoy the Atlantic ocean. Days were still cool and nights cold, but we started getting a little bit of sunshine on our faces and fresh air in our lungs. And a few shells in our collections. :-)

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