Monday, December 10, 2018

Winter Begins

Winter arrived early this year with snow-days in October. They soon settled in to stay - well ahead of the official beginning of winter.

November 9th was rather chilly for the well-drillers who had to pull our well and replace the pump. We were grateful to have running water again after a patchy day and a completely dry night!

November 14th held the perfect warmth for building my first snowman of the winter. :-)

After it melted and toppled that afternoon, I combined the remains of the top three sections into one lump that has had no chance for further melting in the past month of cold, grey skies. Seen while advancing up our driveway, it now looks rather like you are being greeted by an Easter Island head.

Despite the cold and darkness (and increasing symptoms of chronic illness), winter is still a favorite season for Elsa and me. 

The subtle colors of the sky above our monochromatic winter fields glow with unique beauty. Tree silhouettes form a gigantic winter bouquet against the colorful backdrop.

This is my Father's world...

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