Monday, May 16, 2016

A Trip to the Vet

Our dog, Reginald, needed a check-up this spring, and both he and Gulliver needed their immunizations. Thankfully Dad was available to help me with the "zoo!"

Regi wanted to see the view out pickup windows.
Gully cowered and yowled in her carrier below his feet.
Regi showed much excitement in the exam room, 
though he didn't like the blood-draw.
Gully cowered with much fear in the exam room,
though she did great with the vet!

Gully is glad she gets to stay home while Regi has to go back in today for a booster shot for his Lyme vaccinations. 

Amazingly his antibodies show no trace of tick-borne illness now since he was treated for Lyme in 2014, but we may as well do what we can to protect him for the future.

Now, why are there no such things as Lyme vaccinations for humans...?  The veterinary doctor shakes his head at all the MDs who don't think Lyme and co-infections are even an issue in our area.

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