Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sabbath Rest

Do you take a Sabbath rest each week (or attempt to)?

Or does it feel like a waste to you? Maybe you just don't think you have time to slow down and rest every week.

It wasn't all that long ago that nearly all businesses were "Closed on Sunday." Has our culture really progressed in this area - or is it mainly adding to the stress levels and chronic illness pervading recent generations?

Where does this practice come from anyway? Well, it's not just some man-made tradition. In fact it was instituted at the very beginning of human existence!

I started reading the book of Genesis again this week (one of my favorites!), and that is where we get the blueprint for resting one day out of seven. (Genesis 2:2-3) The One who created us and knows exactly what we need is the One who also set us this example of the rhythm of rest!

And this is not merely an example that we can choose to follow (or not), but this principle is reiterated in the 10 Commandments God gave His people. (Exodus 20:10)

Of course legalism can set in and mess up anything God meant for our good. But Jesus dealt with that when He was teaching on earth. (See the four gospels at the beginning of the New Testament.)

On the physical side, many of us can feel the effects if we don't get a change of pace and extra rest one day a week. But even if you don't notice that yet, are you ready to try taking some small steps toward a Sabbath Rest this week? It may be a learning process and look different in various seasons of life. But ask God to give you His rest, and see how He leads you!

~ Hannah

Bouquets from 6.9.23

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