Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Winter Fun!

Time for some winter fun! When Maren and kids were last here, we made 3 snowmen, a snow-rabbit, and a snowball "hive" that glowed long into the night around a candle! 

When out for the lighting, our 3-year old was amazed at how many stars he could see away from streetlights in town! Jupiter is so clear and bright too. Back inside I asked him to tell Tante (Aunt Elsa) what planet he saw. 

Answer: "Jupiter and Neptune and Pluto"

Yes, he is into planets but still has a lot to learn! 😆

Speaking of snowmen, we think this year set a record among our history of snowmen. My December creation lasted exactly two months before losing its head! Yes, it was a long, dark, and cold two months where sunshine was rare. So thankful to be back to more sunny days!

Coming back indoors means the glasses have to come off until they warm up and clear. Temps are 8 degrees (Fahrenheit) and dropping this week.

Here are a couple recent sunsets. The sunrises have also been stunning! 

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands..."
• Psalm 19

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