Saturday, January 21, 2023

Activated Charcoal for Detoxing

Did you know charcoal is good for health?! 

I don't mean the kind used in grills... but Activated Charcoal made from natural sources such as coconut hulls.

Why take Charcoal internally? Because Activated Charcoal is a "Binder"!

According to Dr. Josh Axe: "The porous surface of activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive-charged toxins and gas to bond with it. These nooks and crannies that enhance toxin elimination inside the body are the result of a heating process, which is what allows the charcoal’s 'activation.'" *

This means that a good quality capsule taken daily can help attract and carry out toxins from our bodies. This includes a wide variety of mycotoxins which come from toxic molds in our homes, foods and environments.

"In addition, activated charcoal can be used in cases of food poisoning when nausea and diarrhea are present." *

G.I. Detox (the charcoal capsule I take) also contains Zeolite Clay - another binder effective for a variety of toxins. And at the same time I take Chlorella Pyrenoidosa to bind yet more toxins.

The main tips to keep in mind when taking binders is to drink lots of water, keep them at least an hour away from any foods and three hours away from medications. 

Foods waste the binders, and binders waste the medications!

Why bind anyway? Well, my family has a genetic detoxification issue (and many of you likely do as well). When our crippling symptoms prompted integrative MDs to run mold tests - mycotoxins were at very toxic levels in our bodies.

But we were unable to handle the prescription drugs used as binders as they made us so much more ill. Instead we take natural binders as many days as possible.

In treating chronic illnesses, the old adage rings true: Slow but steady wins the race!

Have you taken binders? What for? Chime in below!


Charcoal Photo by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

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