Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Time for another excerpt from "His thoughts said... His Father said..." by Amy Carmichael 
The son wondered how it could be possible to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus when life was so full of interruptions. Hardly an hour was without something that broke its ordered flow.
One day as he sat by a mountain stream he noticed the lovely way of water when interrupted by the boulders that broke its ordered flow.

The river turned each into an occasion for beauty. And he understood that it was possible to live the river's way if only he took the interrupting things, not as interruptions, but as opportunities, and indeed as very part of life.

 And while he sat there by the water, his dear Lord said to him, As the ripples of the river glance up to the light, let thy heart glance up to Me in little looks of love very often through the day.

[Not surprisingly, the typing of this post was interrupted by one of the timers I have set every day to make me take supplements or Lyme treatments at specific times. :-) I had to smile this time instead of the occasional groan!]

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