Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Seeing... From Your Chair

I recently described the excitement of seeing progress in being able to start driving again!  But even progress causes its setbacks and forces more hours of being still to recover.  Not even trying to knit or write.  Not reading or visiting.

Just sitting still.

Yes, it is always hard to go back to that limited place even when I have seen some beauties come from - or through - the stillness.

But as I silently chafed at weakness and pain once again I saw a couple of everyday wonders I would otherwise have missed this week.

First, I turned my chair toward the window and closed my eyes. (Sorry. No photo of the inside of my eyelids!) 

I felt it before I really took time to see it. Sunshine!  A rare treat this month in the frozen north. I knew this treat would be short-lived as heavy clouds crept up the western sky. But wasn't it a little blessing that I could only sit and enjoy a bit of sunshine on my face and hands? 

Meanwhile my eye was caught by wisps much closer to the treetops. You had to watch closely to see that they were hurrying west to join the gathering gloom. But "gloomy" - these cloudlets were not! As each filmy mist swept past the sun's disk, I saw a wonder. They waved at me with a gentle glow of colors - like a wide, faint echo of a rainbow! 

Again, there was no point in trying to get a photo of my elusive visitors. In fact, I didn't even think of it, but just sat and enjoyed the sight and soaked up a few more rays of sunshine before another cloudy week.

Now - if I could only remember that
when the sun is near
a cloud may just be
the foundation of
 ... And
when the Son is near
weakness could turn into
a chance to see


  1. I find myself coming to Come, Be Still every day now. The photos are so beautiful and the word pictures as well. Thank you for this sweet little resting place. - this is Sharon Torgerson in Oregon (have no idea how the Sharon/Google ID will show me so wanted to be clear re my identity).

    1. Thanks so much, neighbor! I am so glad God is using this as a place of peace and beauty for others. An answer to prayer. I still pass the gravel road that I think of as "Grant and Sharon's road." May you have a blessed Christmas!
