Friday, June 30, 2023

A Lamp to my Feet

To illustrate the Swedish Proverb shared in my previous post, I recently re-read a good book which has been a favorite since I first found it in our home library in my youth. When young I mainly enjoyed the exciting story. But through all the [dozen or more] times of re-reading it since then, The Princess and the Goblin amazes me more each time with the truth which George MacDonald fit "between the lines." For example:

"She jumped up: she had but to keep that light in view, and she must find the house.

"Her heart grew strong. Dark as it was, there was little danger now of choosing the wrong road. And – which was most strange – the light that filled her eyes from the lamp, instead of blinding them for a moment to the object upon which they next fell, enabled her for an instant to see it, despite the darkness. By looking at the lamp and then dropping her eyes, she could see the road for a yard or two in front of her, and this saved her from several falls, for the road was very rough."

Maybe you need to read the story to see the connection clearly, but this little description is to me a beautiful picture of how God's word is our light through all the dark and rough paths of life. If only we will keep looking to it/Him as our guide and focus.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
   and a light to my path. 

• Psalm 119:105

The Princess and the Goblin:
Free audiobook on LibriVox: Listen or Download Here
Free e-book on Gutenberg: Read or Download Here

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Best is Between the Lines


In a good book, the best is between the lines.

This Swedish Proverb explains why good stories written for children and youth continue to be some of the most inspiring to me all through the years!

When a deep truth is tucked into an engaging story, stirring adventure, or masterful word-picture, it sticks with us in a way that an essay packed with facts usually cannot.

At least for me. How about you?!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sabbath Rest

Do you take a Sabbath rest each week (or attempt to)?

Or does it feel like a waste to you? Maybe you just don't think you have time to slow down and rest every week.

It wasn't all that long ago that nearly all businesses were "Closed on Sunday." Has our culture really progressed in this area - or is it mainly adding to the stress levels and chronic illness pervading recent generations?

Where does this practice come from anyway? Well, it's not just some man-made tradition. In fact it was instituted at the very beginning of human existence!

I started reading the book of Genesis again this week (one of my favorites!), and that is where we get the blueprint for resting one day out of seven. (Genesis 2:2-3) The One who created us and knows exactly what we need is the One who also set us this example of the rhythm of rest!

And this is not merely an example that we can choose to follow (or not), but this principle is reiterated in the 10 Commandments God gave His people. (Exodus 20:10)

Of course legalism can set in and mess up anything God meant for our good. But Jesus dealt with that when He was teaching on earth. (See the four gospels at the beginning of the New Testament.)

On the physical side, many of us can feel the effects if we don't get a change of pace and extra rest one day a week. But even if you don't notice that yet, are you ready to try taking some small steps toward a Sabbath Rest this week? It may be a learning process and look different in various seasons of life. But ask God to give you His rest, and see how He leads you!

~ Hannah

Bouquets from 6.9.23