"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
Happy Thanksgiving Day! Today it is just the four of us at home, but we hope to enjoy some extended family time tomorrow. And we still plan to find ways to make today a celebration.
But rather than focus on the amazing history of the American Thanksgiving celebrations in this post (see past years for that), today marks another key point in much more ancient history.
I am still tracking with Noah on the ark.
The last time we checked in, he was sending out scout-birds to get an idea of the state of the flood-ravaged earth. That began two weeks ago. Since the birds did not find anywhere to live other than the ark, Noah set himself to wait another week.
his joy and thanksgiving when the dove came back with “a freshly plucked olive
leaf” in her beak! There was finally a sign of life off of the ark!
really cannot picture the impact of this one leaf after all those months of
death, destruction and isolation. But try to imagine a winter stretching for 11 months
with no sign of green… not even a spruce tree or hardy vine to add color to an
empty prairie where sky and land are all the color of old snow. You have been kept
indoors by the weather the entire 11 months. Even if you had neighbors, you
would not have been able to get out to visit them. (Read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s
“The Long Winter” for just a partial, but powerful, example of this.)
Then after eleven months unlike anything experienced before or since in the history
of the world… you finally see an olive leaf! Praise God!!!
Now, remember that God had shut Noah and his family into the ark, and Noah was still waiting on God’s timing to exit. So we come to today…
he waited another seven days and sent forth the dove, and she did not return to
him anymore.” – Genesis 8:12
was a day to celebrate! There were clear signs of life and hope in the world!
when we are living through dark and lonely days, God eventually sends those
signs of hope. What are yours today?
few of mine after nearly 10 years since my health completely crashed include:
- I find myself trotting up the stairs some days!
- Piano practice has become a joy again since I resumed several days a week in
- My mind can have more capacity for language study than for years past.
- Chemical exposures have less effect on my body and brain.
yes, this has all changed since getting the mold out of our house. It was, and
still is, so much work and expense… but so worth it for my mom, sister, and me.
We are grateful to God!
See previous posts in
series here:
Part I: The Lord Shut Him In
Part II: Day 10: The Animals
Part III: Day 20: The Man Noah
Part IV: Day 30: The Walls
Part V: Day 40: What God Says... He Does
Part VI: Day 70: After the Crisis
Part VII: Day 100: When Waiting Turns to Years
Part VIII: Day 150: Touch Down!
Part IX: Day 181: Survival Mode while Shut In
X: Day 227: Land, Ho!
Part XI: Day 267: Testing the Waters
Next post:
Part XIII: Day
319: A Birthday with a View
olive leaf photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
“At the end of forty days…”
is where we are in Noah’s season of being “shut in” by God.
days ago, Noah and family and menagerie in their mighty ship were already
perched on the mountains of Ararat, and the tops of the mountains were finally
visible! And yet there has been no change in daily life since then (unless
possibly the earth and waters have calmed down some more from the violent
upheaval geological records show were still happening as the flood receded.)
more days of waiting.
40 more days of feeding and cleaning up after animals.
40 more days of wondering how they were going to possibly start life again in
an empty world.
40 more days of waiting for God to show the next step.
still there was no sign. So, Noah decided to check things out for himself.
“At the end of forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark… and
sent forth a raven. It went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the
earth. Then he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided
from the face of the ground. But the dove found no place to set her foot, and
she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the
whole earth. So he put out his hand and took her and brought her into the ark
with him.” Genesis 8:6-9
far as we know there was no disobedience or rebellion in Noah’s heart or actions.
There is no record of God being displeased at His child’s experiments. It may
show a little impatience, or simply a desire to plan ahead.
as we will see in the weeks to come, Noah was still committed to waiting on God
for clear direction.
See previous posts in
series here:
Part I: The Lord Shut Him In
Part II: Day 10: The Animals
Part III: Day 20: The Man Noah
Part IV: Day 30: The Walls
Part V: Day 40: What God Says... He Does
Part VI: Day 70: After the Crisis
Part VII: Day 100: When Waiting Turns to Years
Part VIII: Day 150: Touch Down!
Part IX: Day 181: Survival Mode while Shut In
X: Day
227: Land, Ho!
Next Post:
Part XII: Day
281: Giving Thanks for Signs of Hope