Monday, July 15, 2024

"As They Went" - on Thoughts & Obedience

As I read Luke 17, I was once again struck by the three little words:

"As they went..."

"They" = 10 lepers, desperately sick and cut off from everyone and everything they loved.

"Went" = Following Jesus' directions to step out in faith that they would be healed, even though He hadn't come up and touched them or spoken words of assurance as in other cases. He simply sent them off to show themselves to those who could declare them all-clear to live a normal life again.

As a result, they were healed on the way and commended for acting in faith and obedience by stepping out and doing what God had said... even when it didn't make sense. 

Jesus can still do that today! Even when He doesn't heal all at once [though He does that too], He still calls us to have faith and follow His directions. Our Good Shepherd will lead us in the best paths for us when we follow His voice. 

In the words of a hymn I love... Trust and Obey.

So what are we, You and I in the year 2024, told to do? For one thing, "Take every thought captive." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Amazingly, science is finally starting to prove what God has directed all along in His word... that our thoughts matter. We were created with neuroplasticity [brains that can change] for good reason. 

Our thoughts directly affect our body chemistry, immune systems, and so much more. No wonder God's word clearly emphasizes things like:
• Trust - Psalm 62:8
• Hope - Romans 15:13
• Be still - Psalm 46:10
• Praise - Hebrews 13:15
• Eternal Mindset - Colossians 3:1-2
• Do not fear - Isaiah 41:10 [and over 100 more verses on this topic!]

If we care about our health, we need to care about our thoughts as God has directed! When He says...

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent & praiseworthy... think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)

...He means it! 

Besides the gift of Neuroplasticity, we were given the gift of Selective Attention. When a thought is hurting us and triggering our stress response, we can choose a different thought.

Not only does God promise to take care of all that worries us when we "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33), but He has so designed our bodies that the very act of walking out this life of faith and obedience (starting in our minds) will set in motion physical processes of healing... 

As We Go!

Want to learn more about biblical and scientific Brain Rewiring? You can sign up for my occasional newsletter HERE.
~ Hannah

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