Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Why You Are Where You Are

Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong time or place or just wish your circumstances were different?

Why would God have put you here and let you face all this? As Joni Tada says in her new devotional book, "The Practice of the Presence of Jesus":

"The answer is in Acts 17:26-27:

'From one man he made every nation of men... and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.' (NIV84)

"There's no mistaking: God placed you in this century, in this country, in your family, and with your friends for a specific purpose. He arranged the optimal circumstances and put you with the ideal individuals to cause you to seek Jesus, reach out for him, and find him.

"And be encouraged, for Jesus says, 'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart' (Jeremiah 29:13).

"How do your circumstances and people around you make you reach out to Jesus?"

~ Joni Eareckson Tada

Friday, May 10, 2024

Music Therapy

What do the 19th Century Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg and the famous Baroque George F. Handel have in common? They are both a part of my healing journey! 

For years I hardly had strength to sit at the piano, let alone get eyes to focus and brain to signal fingers with any accuracy and speed. Getting back to the piano has been very off and on these latter years. It still takes a lot of strength that is often needed elsewhere instead.

But when I do give the time and strength, the harmonies welling out of my 100+ year old 7-foot Baldwin are a balm to my whole being! (Especially the bass notes which don't seem affected by the cracked and patched sound board.)

What activity do you find healing that is worth the extra effort some days?

~ Hannah

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

How Lawn Work is So Exciting!

What you see in these pictures was impossible through most of the past decade of chronic illness. I wasn't strong enough to sit up like this for years.

Even a year ago my legs were too weak to keep the lawn-tractor pedals pressed and my brain too overwhelmed to keep up with the steering.

And though I still have a long way to go, this shows me that I have come a long way in one year of rewiring my brain. I'm not stopping!

Even though it takes a lot of work and perseverance through all the ups and downs of healing, I never could have reached this point with only all the supplements, medications, protocols, and avoidance methods I was using to survive the 9 years prior.

Want to learn more about Brain Rewiring? Check out these accounts:
~ Hannah

Friday, May 3, 2024

An April 1st Outing

This year we revived an old tradition of having a family outing the Monday after Easter. Though feeling less-than-optimal, we were also stir-crazy and needed a change. 


The headwaters of the Mississippi River!

Dad and I were even able to cross it for the first time in years as new stones have been added that are not yet wet and slimy.

And of course Elsa and I got our toes in the icy water! (Much of Lake Itasca was still frozen.)

We spent the day wandering the park, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, trees, birds, and squirrels!

Preacher's Grove has lost much of its charm since they force guests to stay on a path and let undergrowth fill the once-clear forest floor. But the view upward is still amazing!

There are so many great memories for our family over this bridge in the historic Clubhouse, and down the hill to the lakeshore and boardwalk to the Old Timer's Cabin built by the CCC.

Before heading home, we all relaxed on the sunny fishing pier and then found another little lake at the edge of the park as our view during a van-picnic.

So many gifts in one day!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Brain Rewiring Newsletter & Encouraging Phone Wallpapers

 I have only mentioned Brain Rewiring a few times on this blog, but it is still a daily focus in this healing journey. So much so that I am just starting a newsletter for those who are interesting in learning more about healing the Limbic System and lowering the Chronic Stress Response from a Biblical perspective. 

This monthly [at most] offering contains:
- Mindset & Brain Rewiring Tips
- Biblical Encouragement
- Free Phone Wallpaper Download

You are welcome to sign up here: Hannah's Newsletter

As it says at the above link: 

Nearly a decade into her chronic illness journey, Hannah was led to Brain Rewiring to begin to heal her Limbic System which was stuck in the Chronic Stress Response. Due to the intricate brain/body connection, this focus on healing at deeper levels is having positive physical impacts and helping Hannah get back to LIFE!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Daily Gifts

Our first Easter Lily in years!

Gentle sunrise colors

A new-to-me orchid that I acquired rather than see it thrown out last May and nursed to new life: Once I saw this huge blossom, I named it Kaleidoscope!

Life and memories are finding their way back into our "new" basement. Game night, anyone?!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

March Mood-Booster

Do you, like me, struggle to find ways just to Have Fun? With Mood Boosting touted as a helpful daily method of brain rewiring, I need to work on this! Hence, taking time to build my snowman-of-the-year with the gift of snow on March 22nd after a winter of drought!

Why bother to look for ways to boost your mood throughout the day? 

This boosts healing neurotransmitters in your brain, such as dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, which in turn lowers the chronic stress response and promotes healing all over your body!

Don't feel up to doing any fun activity today? Try these lower energy ideas:
- Read a book that makes you smile.
- Watch a cute or funny video (only if it is clean.)
- Listen to a cosy audiobook
- Text or call a good friend.
- Brew a cup of tea or coffee and drink it while looking out a window or sitting outdoors. 
- Give a hug.
- Sit outdoors and mindfully use all your senses.

What are your best mood-boosters? I can use more ideas!!

~ Hannah

This snowman quickly tipped but "hung out"
for days... snow or shine!

Meanwhile, Maren's Littles enjoyed many more inches of snow than us and soaked up the snow-play time they had missed most of the winter. Their wool mittens must be getting wonderfully felted and warmer every time!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Reading with a Pencil

One small sentence opened up a whole paragraph for me this morning. And all because I read my Bible with a pencil handy. 

Do you have a Journaling Bible or keep a notebook nearby when reading? I find it so helpful to jot down or underline something each day. That simple action can help wake up my brain when feeling dull.

▪︎ If it sparks more connections, that is exciting! 

▪︎ If it simply gives me an extra minute of focus on the truth and something to look back on through the day, it is a blessing. 

▪︎ And for the years when chronic illness took away most reading comprehension, simply listening to an audio Bible would wash my weary heart with truth.

How do you read and study the Bible in your current season of life? 

~ Hannah

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Simple Way to Encourage through Happy Mail

I love sending and receiving real mail! How about you?! Snail mail may be out of fashion, but it is still so meaningful that I find it worth the extra effort.

And I love tucking a little gift into cards or letters... something that can continue to encourage long after the letter is read and set aside.

My go-to gift for years now has been a scripture art-sticker. So I encouraged my sister to turn some of her beautiful, loose floral watercolors into stickers I could send to friends for daily encouragement on their water bottle, phone case, computer, or anywhere. 

She did it!

Her newest design features Isaiah 33:6, which is so timely in this unstable world. I also love sending her other two designs and look forward to more in the future!

Who could you encourage with a bit of beauty and truth in an envelope?

Find Elsa's art on Instagram @handmaiden.elsa and on Etsy: Here

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Shifting Perspective from "I Have To"

Do you find yourself slogging through your days with the "I Have To..." perspective? 

#1: The first step out is to bring awareness to the negative thought pattern. 

#2: Next, purposely replace that thought with a smile and the words "I Get To!" Even if it feels forced at first, your brain will eventually start to believe your new words.

#3: Look for little joys in each task! 

I also like to recite this verse while working:

"And you shall rejoice before the Lord your God in all that you undertake."
• Deuteronomy 12:18 

Enjoy this in a brief video format here: Perspective Shift: I Get To

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

February Happenings 2024

Unseasonable warmth continued to give a marked contrast to last year's deep snow. So, I did my mending on the deck, without even a jacket!

I hadn't been getting to any art for a while, but card-making from old photos was an enjoyable and useful creative outlet.

A live read-aloud was long overdue, so on World Read Aloud Day I shared a bit from my current devotional book by Joni E. Tada. Watch the replay in this short video: Here

The basement rebuild is coming along! But some old doorframes that wouldn't hold new paint set us back several weeks. The process also raised inflammation levels again - despite protective gear for those doing the sanding. 

The final touches on woodwork continue as strength allows.

Elsa launched a new sticker in her beautiful and giftable line of watercolor florals! https://www.etsy.com/shop/handmaidenMarket

A couple snows soon melted.

Dad and Mom brought home Valentine roses for Elsa and me!

A double birthday party gave us some family-time...

...and introduced us to this brilliant, new smile!