Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Blind Contour Sketching

Have you tried Blind Contour Sketching? I had not... until today. And it was fun! 

✒️ How freeing to know it won't turn out much like the subject but to enjoy the process anyway! 

✒️ How clearing of a full mind to sit and stare at interesting shapes for 30-120 seconds without glancing away!

✒️ How therapeutic for an injured brain to make connections straight between eyes and hand!

✒️ And how healing to finally look down at the paper and laugh!


  1. Hi Hannah, How does a person do blind contour sketching?

    1. Hi Jeanine, Here is the video I watched about it. In essence, you stare at the subject you are drawing "by feel" - never looking at the paper or lifting your pen until done.
