Monday, January 17, 2022

Bible Reading Plans

As the mantel clock was chiming in the New Year, I was finishing up the book that helped me study my way through the New Testament in 2021. Click here for a little read-aloud from the last day's entry to get an idea of the way the daily readings are put together in the ESV Daily Devotional New Testament.

After a whole year primarily in the New Testament, I am eager for more of the Old Testament again. So I have begun my second time through this study guide for Genesis, which is one of my favorite books of the Bible. [The Family Bible Study Series was developed for homeschool families.]

Do you have a Bible reading/study plan for 2022? What did you do for 2021?

I'd love to hear your ideas and thoughts in the comments below! I believe I made the settings easier to leave comments recently, so you do not need a special account to join in.


  1. I spent a large part of last year slowly studying through Matthew. We are blessed to live in a time of study Bible's with the collective thoughts of many theologians down through the years. In my searches I found a commentary of Daniel Whedon from the nineteenth century. The vocabulary is so advanced compared to the present day, and thought processes sometimes require slowing down or rereading whole paragraphs. The insights of the combined commentary's were very rewarding. I started Luke this past Christmas season, doing the same systematic approach, I am currently in chapter four..It will be a long good year, again..

    1. Thank you for sharing! I have also appreciated old authors/commentaries such as the one on Matthew by J.C. Ryle I used a few years ago.

  2. At this point, I am reading through one book of the Bible at a time - choosing the next book when I have finished the current one. I am reading Matthew right now, and prior to that, I spent time in the Psalms.

    1. That is a "plan" I often returned to during chronic illness. Taking it step by step at whatever pace is currently best. And often going back to the Psalms!
