Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Roses and Orchids from a Friend


As I enjoy this beautiful rose bush, I remember the friend from whose plant the root came.

We first noticed our interim pastor having trouble speaking at a Christmas Eve service some years ago. We knew he was under a ton of stress and were concerned. But it turned out to be harder for him than we could imagine as ALS took over from the head down.

His last months were a testimony to the grace of God, as are the years of adjustment and loneliness since for his widow.

It just struck me again how many prayer-warriors, including this one, our family has lost. Several who prayed for my family daily, even while they walked through their own pain and illnesses, have left the tears of this world behind.

Will we leave this kind of grateful memory behind us one day as well?


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are looked forward to. I also enjoy listening to your reading, while running, sometimes I don't remember which trails I've ran getting lost in the story.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement!

      That reminds me how miles of roads and turns can all be driven on "auto-pilot" when listening to a good book. But interestingly, I often also make unconscious connections between the story and the activity/location at the time of hearing. For example, when I sit in a certain place knitting a mitten again, the characters and plot I last heard there will suddenly replay in front of my eyes.

      Good reminders to us to choose good books (or podcasts, etc.) to have that power over our imaginations!
