Monday, April 19, 2021

The Rain [or Snow] Falls on the Sunshine


"I wish the spring was
 here now," said Mary.
"I want to see all the things
 that grow in England."

As sorry as I felt about our tulip shoots getting blanketed in snow again last week, it was actually beautiful to have clean, white views again in a long, grey, chilly spring. But I haven't given up on spring!

For one thing, I know that, "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22)

Plus, the children's book I finished re-reading this week was masterfully written to make us open our eyes and watch for spring.

"Is the spring coming?" he said.
"What is it like? You don't see it
 in rooms if you are ill."

"It is the sun shining on the rain
 and the rain falling on the sunshine,
 and things pushing up and working
 under the earth," said Mary.

To answer the question in my last post, this is Mary Lennox: a newly orphaned girl who grew up sour, selfish and tyrannical in India. What could there be at a lonely, old mansion on the moor in England for such a child at such a time?

What?... but the beautiful influences of springtime and an odd little collection of friends - from the sour, old gardener with a soft heart, to a Yorkshire maid and her unusual brother, to a pert robin, and a voice that cries in the night!

Find all this and more in:

"The Secret Garden"
by Frances Hodgson Burnett

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