Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Sweet Prescription

At this week's appointment, my doctor asked if I was playing the piano anymore. As I explained how I make practice work for the occasional weeks that I play for church and basically set it aside the rest of the time because of the pain levels and the way it limits what other activities I can do, she said, "Why don't you try ten minutes a day. It's so good for you!"

I agree. I love playing the piano! I love ministering to others through the gift of music at church and elsewhere. I love learning new music, exploring its subtle details, and finding how to make it "sing."

So, I took my first dose of this new prescription today. It was short and sweet. This could be a painless (or at least, less-pain) way to have music ready for my next turn at church. I look forward to tomorrow's dose!

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