Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Memories: Grandma's Decorations

We are still remembering Grandma...

And now there are little reminders around the house as we set out some of her Christmas decorations to enjoy.

One of the wax carolers who always topped the big
(clunky - not large-screen) TV in G&G's basement

 Along with a reminder of my other grandma - her teapot

Then there is the homemade nativity that sat on the old phonograph/radio in the basement

The stable had fallen into disrepair and Mary and Joseph had lost most of their straw hair, but it is still full of sweet memories and meaning.  

Nothing that a tube and a half of super-glue and a dose of patience couldn't fix!

"'The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son,
and they will call him Immanuel'
(which means 'God with us')."
Matthew 1:23

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