Friday, January 3, 2025

Reset for a New Year

Happy New Year, Friends!

How many places are you hearing about setting goals and focusing on self-improvement these days? Too many, right?!

Too often it seems that lists of goals and “to-do’s” make us feel like we can earn our own health, joy, peace, etc. And then when we fail to live up to them, they seem more impossible than ever.

But what if we instead chose to look more to the One True Source of all we desire? 

The more I learn about neurology, the more amazed I am at the ways God has built us to renew and rewire our minds around His way of truth for life. (See John 14:6) And yes, this deeply impacts us at the physical level as well.

Let me share a bit from a brain rewiring coach who has had a positive impact on my life and faith (and healing journey) the past few months.

I’d like you to meet Brea.

Picture a strong, athletic blonde about my age. Life and love for God and others shine from her eyes. Enthusiasm rings in her voice. But it wasn’t always that way…

About 7 years ago, Brea was homeless, living outdoors in the desert far from her little children, because her body had become sensitive and reactive to everything.

Then she learned of Brain Rewiring. And then she met Jesus in the desert.

To put it mildly… that changed everything.

Last fall I signed up for a group coaching class with Brea to take my rewiring deeper. I saw so many new wins during this time and got the fresh boost and perspective needed to continue in this journey.

That’s why I’m so excited to invite you to join me for her first, free workshop, starting next MondayNew Year New You, 5-Day Reset!

Let’s hear straight from Brea:

“I don’t know what kind of 2024 you’ve had. If you’ve been doing your brain retraining practice consistently, then chances are you’re leaving 2024 better than when it started. Perhaps your life has been turned right side up again like many I have coached. Or maybe you can’t tell much of a difference. If so, I invite you to either revisit your journal or simply think back to where you started or ask a close friend or family member. You might just be surprised at how much better you are now! And guess what? If it’s not good, then He’s not done yet! 

“If you haven’t started your healing journey with brain retraining, then friend, 2025 can be your year to heal! Wouldn’t that be great?!

“You can dip your toe in the brain retraining waters with my free New Year New You 5-Day Reset that starts Jan 6th. This mini-workshop will be delivered via email over the course of the week and includes some special printable handouts and exercises to get your healing journey started.”

Want to join? Simply follow this link to Brea’s website and sign up through the pop-up form. Or email Amber and ask to join the 5-Day Reset:

Then let me know how the Reset goes for you!
~ Hannah:

Learn more in my latest newsletter HERE.

P.S. - I'm waiting for more snow to get out snowshoeing with my nephew again!