Saturday, May 25, 2024

Charlotte Mason Companion: Children are Hungry Creatures

Finished! This book was my companion through many hours of solo noon meals. As you can tell by my page markers, there are several bits I want to go back and review from Karen Andreola's "Charlotte Mason Companion."

Maybe more quotes will find their way into future posts. But for now here is one from Mrs. White living high in the French Alps in the 1950's:

"Charlotte Mason tells us that children are hungry creatures. Not only wholesome food for their bodies is required: their minds demand and digest an incredibly large amount and variety of knowledge. So what happens if good food for the mind is not available? Surely they absorb whatever there is, unwholesome as it may be: wretchedly-written books, comic strips, unsuitable television programmes, newspaper headlines, backdoor gossip, etc. Isn't this an explanation of the aimlessness and the wrongly-directed activities of some of our brave new young?

"How sad it is to find people who cannot read. Not that they are illiterate, but that they are incapable of sustaining interest in any literature above the level of the glossy magazines..."

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