Thursday, October 12, 2017

Super Powers

"Sometimes I feel like a super hero.  I can smell a cigarette across the street and detect mold spores the moment I walk into a room. 
In some ways it's a gift to be a canary and sensitive to unnatural things like chemicals, industrial noises, violent images in the media etc.  But... it's a curse when it becomes debilitating and difficult to live in the world."

- Dana, with Chronic Lyme disease

People are still surprised when they hear how much chemical sensitivities can affect us. One reason so many people have not encountered it before is that those of us who get ill from all kinds of chemicals and fragrances are simply not in public. You won't see us in clothing stores (online shopping and our sister, Maren, have had to take over that job for us) or hair salons (our hair-cutter graciously comes to our home). Weddings and showers are full of perfumes and can only be braved for the closest of relatives and friends. Church gatherings and concerts, likewise -- even if they weren't already harmful due to decibel levels.

Since our chemical sensitivities usually outweigh our typical environmental allergies, outdoor gatherings are the best way for us to be with people. There the chemicals have room to dilute. But even that is not foolproof. 

Loon flapping and calling nearby on the lake

Elsa and I had to laugh over our "super-powers" this summer while enjoying a quiet afternoon at the lake. Suddenly our chests tightened into coughs and we looked around for the source of the cigarette smoke. Aha! Three docks down to the left. Other times we held our breath and started itching when hit by the sting of dryer sheets. The source was walking by many yards away or draped over the neighboring fence as beach towels dried.

So... home is the safest place for us these years.

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