Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Providential Pajamas

This month as I once again pulled out my grey winter pajamas, I was reminded of God's perfect timing... and reminded that what looks like a mistake can actually be His working out the details in a better (though less "convenient") way than I ever could have imagined. 

After heading out an hour from home for a doctor's appointment in January of 2015, I took the opportunity to shop for a new pair of pj's. "Unfortunately", while trying them on I missed an unexpected call from my doctor's office. A delay of 15 minutes until finding the message meant that I was too late to drive across town and get the needed ultrasound performed on my neck to check a lump on my thyroid.

I was disappointed, because that meant I had to schedule an ultrasound appointment on another day. And it was no easy matter to get out with all the symptoms of Lyme disease raging.

At least I found some good pajamas on sale...

- Because of the missed phone call, I had my ultrasound done in a different town nearer home.
- Because that clinic was not connected with the more distant one, the results didn't get through in time for my first appointment with my endocrinologist.
- Because of the missing results, I had to have an ultrasound on the spot at that appointment.
- Because I was already on the table in the correct room, they went ahead with a biopsy of the nodule, even though it was really "too small" to be concerned about.
- Because of the biopsy that almost didn't happen, my cancer was caught very early.
- Because of a pair of grey pajamas, I am in remission with clear scans after 2 years. (At 5 years, they can call it cancer-free.)
- And because I know the One who can guide all the seemingly insignificant details of His creation, I know none of this was chance. Instead I call it grace. A gift!

But it took much time to see all these "little problems" in the right light. That gives me hope that even all the big problems will one day make sense. That they will also be used in His grand plan to produce something good - better than I can possibly imagine now - at the perfect time.

(For more of the story, click here)

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